Compost Hubs

Find Your Local Compost Hub!

Here at South Bay Sustainable Communities Network, we host numerous "compost hubs" throughout the South Bay area that are available to community members like you to drop off your food scraps in return for beautiful, nutrient rich compost for your garden! Not only do you benefit from this act, but so does our planet; methane is created when food waste enters our anaerobic landfills. The results of methane in our atmosphere once they escape are catastrophic as it is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide! A simple way to combating climate change is taking part of our program, below you can see our compost hub locations and find the nearest one to you to start dropping off your food scraps! 

When going to drop off food scraps, look for this sign and accompanying bucket!

How to drop off food waste at the hub houses: (English) (1).mp4

How to drop off food waste at the hub houses: (Spanish)

Copy of (100)What to compost or not to compost.pdf

Follow this guide to ensure you are dropping off the correct food items at our drop off locations! Unacceptable food should go into the city's compost via your at home green waste bin.